Michelle - 24/7 Nurse

Before meeting Rog, I had been working as a shift working registered nurse for 10 years and was starting to lose my passion and drive to do what I loved. I was turning up to work barely on time with a negative attitude, was becoming more short and acting in ways that I knew were not my true authentic self.

Recently married I we wanted to fall pregnant and it just wasn’t happening for us.

It was apparent my body was unhappy with me.  I was unhappy and I was really struggling all round.

I approached Roger and from day 1 it all just made sense. His science-backed tips and advice we simple and easy to apply and as early as a few short weeks into my program I had gotten my spark back for my career. I was back at the gym doing what I loved, setting new habits and routines to put myself and my health first. 

Roger guided me through intuitive eating after years of exposure to the diet culture, which in turn made me look after and nourish my body more than I ever have. 

I never felt like I was in trouble with Roger if I missed a habit, he would support me to work out what was the cause for the missed habit so next time I could identify and make the positive change I needed to.   This mindfulness has changed my thinking entirely.

Roger’s program has made me feel like I’ve had a full body reset to how I felt as a new shift worker. 

I am now fueling my body and mind and my body is so happy we have conceived and I’m thrilled to announce I’m now pregnant expecting our first child.

It’s a very simple process which is not restrictive and easy steps to implement.

I highly recommend Rogers One to One coaching if you are a shift worker.

UPDATE: 24th December, 2024:


Hey Rog! I Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and happy new year 🎄🎉🎉

I just wanted to say, thank you so incredibly much for all the support you gave me through the program at the beginning of the year. I was really starting to struggle with the shift work and my workplace, and was losing my passion for a job that I was (and now am again) so passionate about!

You taught me so much on how to best look after myself and prioritise myself and my health while being a shift worker. It was in a time that I needed to practice that self care and compassion while going through the disappointment of not falling pregnant month after month. Then finally,

“literally the week after I finished the program I found out I was pregnant 😍”

I honestly put all the self work I did down to helping make it happen!! Our little cherub was born on 17th Dec, what a way to end the year.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that you do to educate shiftworkers on the importance of their health! I'm so lucky I found you and was able to engage in your program to rekindle my love for nursing.

(Chelsea Rose - sorry we didn’t name her Roger 😂)


Tam - 24/7 Emergency Services Worker


Maddie - 24/7 Nurse